The 2018 Innovation Culture & Trust Report
Click on the button below to download the 2018 Innovation Culture & Trust Research Report. Top findings:
Trust is developed and measured between any two individuals, once in each direction.
Both innovation and productivity in the company increase 64% as the level of trust in that company increases.
We believe others trust us at least as much as we trust them.
18.3% working in companies with more than 2 employees reported they don’t have a peer they trust.
Trust increases 58% as the level of perceived competence increases.
Trust increases 86% as the level of shared values increases.
The more we believe we are getting less and contributing more than another person, the less (-32%) we trust them.
In a high-trust relationship you believe that you give and get as much as your peer.
In a low-trust relationship you believe you give much more and get less than your peer.
The frequency of communications plays a significant role in developing trust.
Perceived positivity of peers plays a major role in how much we trust them.
Trust results in a higher ability to have constructive disagreement, through willingness to be vulnerable, provide feedback, and be receptive to it.
The autonomy you get from your boss increases 67% as your boss trusts you more.
Click on the button below to download the 2018 Price of Trustworthiness Report. Key findings:
Trustworthiness is the most important quality (60.7%) for you in other people (your colleagues, your boss, your employees, a salesperson trying to sell you something, your government representative, and your spouse).
Trustworthiness is 53% more important than the other four qualities (willingness to work hard, willingness to take risk, good looks, and intelligence) combined.
Trustworthiness ranked the highest as the most important quality in salespeople trying to sell you something (76.7%).
A trustworthy salesperson can sell the same product or service for 29.6% higher price.
An untrustworthy salesperson will have to discount the same product or service by 22.8% to compete with a trustworthy salesperson.
Men put a higher premium on salesperson’s trustworthiness up to 20% higher price. Women put higher premium when the price is 50% higher. Overall, men put 1.2% higher premium on salespeople’s trustworthiness than women.