form new habits
that change old behaviors,
build TRUST,
and transform organizations
The success or failure of every relationship or interaction depends on your ability to build trust, be trusted, and know who to trust.
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The TRUST Show
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What is Trust?
Trust is the level to which you are willing to accept the potential negative consequences of giving control over something you have to another person, expecting them to minimize those negative consequences.
Trust is created through the 8 laws of trust, the 6 components of the relative trust model, and the 7-step Trust Habits® process.
The 8 Laws of Trust

It's not a question of whether you trust or not. The question is how much do you trust.

It's also a question of what do you trust someone with.

Trust occurs only between two people, and is relative to one another. The trust in a larger group is a function of it.

Trust is a two-way street, but not a symmetrical one. You may trust another person more or less than they trust you.

If I trust you, and you trust her, I will trust her (less than I trust you, but more than none at all).

If you show me that you truly trust me, I will behave in a trustworthy way to earn your trust.

Trust changes over time. Slower between interactions, and faster (for better or worse) during interactions.

My trust in you is the product of my willingness to trust people in general, and your trustworthiness.
The 6 Components of Trustworthiness
The Relative Trustworthiness Mode is made of two groups of components: The "who you are" (in Red) and the "what you do" (Blue) during an interaction. The "who you are" components are like a balance sheet. They include what I know about you before we interact. They include a technical/professional component (competence), an emotional component (personality compatibility), and a situational component (fairness/symmetry).

The "what you do" components occur during every interaction. They include Positivity (made of the sub-components No-BS and Empathy), and accelerated by time, and the intimacy of that interaction.
The 7-Step Trust Habits® Process

The uniqueness of the Trust Habits™ approach is that it resides in the intersection of the science of trust and the science of habit-forming. Most approaches to building trust leave you with a list of things you must do to be trusted. The problem is that you will not be trusted until you create new habits that will change old behaviors that are holding you back from being more trusted than you currently are.
This is where the 7-steps of the Trust Habits™ process come into play. They start with identifying one relationship in which you want to be more trusted (odds are that whatever is holding you back from being more trusted in that relationship could be holding you back from being more trusted in other relationships as well). They continue with identifying one negative behavior (eliminating one negative behavior will have a greater impact on your trustworthiness than adding one positive behavior, while keeping a negative behavior). Then, the process focuses on how to form a new habit that will eliminate that behavior.
Online Courses
Choose from different courses on building trust and trustworthiness, based on The Book of Trust and Dr. Solomon's workshops. Take them at your own pace, with short videos, module summaries, quizzes, self-assessments, and end-of-course certificates. Available in personal or enterprise versions.
We will help you increase the level of trust in every team or your entire company. We will use our assessments, interviews, training, and coaching to change team or organizational culture. Could incorporate access to our self-paced online courses

This growing mini-book series offers one-page actionable new habits that will make you (or your team) a more trustworthy leader, team member, salesperson, or project manager.
Each book has 100 pages containing introduction and 50+1, 60+1, 70+1, or 67+1 habits that you or your team can start using tomorrow.
Can I TRUST You? Mini-Book Series
"...created an environment that allowed us to be open and truthful with ourselves allowing us to understand where we were and where we wanted to be."
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- Texas Instruments
"Yoram helped us see ourselves from a different point of view, analyze the opportunities, and use our creativity to help us to move to the next level."
- The Dannon Company
"Yoram came in and engaged our multi-site teams both with science and humor and gave the organization a basis for which to invoke creativity."
- AT&T
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