Is innovation accidental? Why do we get the best ideas in the shower? Why are people creative in startup companies more than in Fortune 500 companies? In his fifth book, un kill creativity, researcher, author, and keynote speaker Dr. Yoram Solomon answers these and other questions, based on his doctoral research (From Startup to Maturity), his firsthand innovation experience, and the stories of some of the world’s most innovative companies, such as Apple and Lockheed’s Skunk Works. Solomon states that while great ideas appear accidental, you can create an environment where the probability of those accidents increases exponentially. Inspired by Teresa Amabile’s article, How to Kill Creativity, his book, un kill creativity shows corporate America how to unleash employee creativity and harness it to consistently generate radically innovative products, services, processes, and business models. He focuses on 3 areas: organizational climate, team dynamics, and individual context. He proposes that: Innovation = Introspection + Intervention + Ideation + Implementation. The book explains the roles of respect, trust, diversity, political correctness, humor, and sarcasm in employee and team creativity. It shows the link between consistent innovation and exceptional financial results. In the book, Solomon breaks many creativity and innovation myths. The framework described in this book involves no implementation costs. All it requires is a change of management attitude.
Un-Kill Creativity: How Corporate America can out-innovate startups
- Paperback: 354 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-1535525282
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds
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